What is a Postpartum Doula?
If you find yourself asking this question, be reassured that you are not alone. Although doulas have been around for years, many expectant mothers were unaware of their existence. I grew up in a family of women who went to the hospital to birth and trusted whatever their doctors were saying. Many of them will tell you they had traumatic birth experience that may have led to postpartum depression. I didn't want that to happen to me.
So in 2015 when I found myself pregnant for the first time, I began researching my options and becoming informed. I hired a birth doula and part of her package was one postpartum visit after labor. She came over to my house and told me she could watch the boys and I could take a shower, a nap, or just have some me time. Instead I felt that my twins would be too much work to a doula who had never had twins, so instead I stayed up while she rocked them to sleep. This wasn't a total waste of time though, because I did talk to her about them not being on a schedule, issues with one of my boys latching to breastfeed, and a few other topics. She was extremely informed, showed me some techniques as well as encouraged me that I was doing a excellent job when I felt like a total failure.
What Postpartum Doulas Do
So back to the question, what is a postpartum doula? A postpartum doula wears many hats, but often times gets confused with a house keeper or a nanny. These are two things a postpartum doula is not, so lets clear the air and clarify. Here are just a few things a postpartum doula does.
Knowledge. A postpartum has a wealth of knowledge in infant care, breastfeeding techniques, holding techniques, signs of postpartum depression, etc.
Resources. A postpartum doula has resources with different organizations and a relationship with OBs, pediatricians, chiropractors, etc. within your area. If you have questions regarding your health or the health of your baby they can point you in the right direction. A postpartum doula should always encourage you to do your own research, but we also understand your life has been turned upside down. If you need us to pull resources and place them in front of you with numbers to call we can do that.
Encouragement. One of the most important roles of any doula whether birth or postpartum is to build your confidence and relationship with baby. Their are so many people in our lives that love us, but often times give their opinions and this can confuse or make it hard for parents. A postpartum doula comes along side your vision for your family and helps encourage you while offering non judgmental support.
Rest. A postpartum doula understands that its crucial for mom and dad to have a break in order to keep their sanity. Let your doula watch your infant while you take a shower, nap, or just have some downtime.
Meal Prep. Every new mother, especially breastfeeding ones, will tell you how hard it is to find time to go to the store, much less make dinner. A postpartum doula can make sure your fridge is stocked with healthy, easy to pull snacks as well as prep meals for your week.
Let Me Help
Do any of these sound like things that would make your postpartum weeks better? I offer postpartum services in the Fort Worth and Weatherford area. If you would like to chat with me about how I can help you after your baby(s) arrive please contact me!